Thursday, July 27, 2006
Be Open to receive help
1) The "help" comes with strings attached or, put in other words, as an obligation where the helper will extract his pound of flesh later - It is best to avoid taking help of this kind.
2) The help offered is genuine but the reciever gets into an ego mode. Deep inside he feels "I cannot take help as I am too self respecting" or "It is below my dignity" and so on. Not only unspiritual, but even spiritual people often fall prey to this mode. These are the very people who go around complaining that God does not help them or does not answer their prayers. Now that is a foolish thing to do. When God (you can call it 'universe') tries to help, He can do so through the agency of other human beings (who are his very own manifestations). People surely should not expect God to descend specially for them (though this has happened in the lives of great devotees but here I am not talking about such extraordinary folks). Refusing such help from others is rejecting God's assistance. One then has no right to criticise God for not helping him. How ignorant it is to reject his help and then critisise Him.
When a person gets into an ego mode he cuts off the supply of the universal abundance that the universe has to offer him. Being concerened about one's self respect is good but then one must also think that the person offering help might have also considered below his dignity to offer help in the first place. Self respect is not one's priviledge alone.
So go right ahead and accept all the genuine help your recive from others. For that is precisely God's intention for you. What happens when you joyfully take help from others - You have one more person to love in this world! That is the ultimate GOAL of your life.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Water Speaks !
Now here is an interesting piece of information.
Water as we know is considered sacred and indispensable (for performing certain rites and rituals) by almost all religions. Water is the very breath of life on this planet.
How many of us actually know that water is directly affected by our thoughts, ideas actions, words and also music? Masaru Emoto a Japanese researcher has conducted experiments on water to prove exactly that. His experiments assume greater significance because water occupies almost seventy percent of the human body and also the earth’s body.
We know that the appearance of water is different in different places. Sea water appears different from river water and so on. However, not only the outward but also the inward changes or in other words, the molecular changes are also very significant. Masaru Emoto has shown that water from springs and mountain streams show beautiful, well structured molecules whereas polluted and dirty water possess rather ugly looking and distorted molecules.
Do an Internet search on “Water Consciousness” or “Masaru Emoto”. You will come across more info.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Autobiography of a Yogi - An Incredible Book
One of the most amazing books I have had the privilege of reading is “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramhansa Yogananda. Paramhansa Yogananda was an Indian Yogi who left the shores of
The great yogi devotes on full chapter to the science of Kriya Yoga. This was the technique Lord Krishna taught to Arjuna and this Yoga has been revived in this age by the mysterious and immortal himalayan master Mahaavtar Babaji who also happens to be the Param Param Guru (Guru of Guru of Guru) of Paramhansa Yogananda. According to Paramhansa Yogananda, the practice of Kriya Yoga accelerates man’s evolution by leaps and bounds. It is the fastest of evolution and reaching Godhood. Another chapter describes the law of miracles. It details how light is the only true reality – something Albert Einstein did prove. The book also mentions details of Mahavtar Babaji and how he materialized an entire palace in the
The book though undoubtedly touches areas which the common man deems ‘otherwordly’ yet it is written with such crystal clarity and innocence that the reader for once finds God very much within his reach. Every page of this book enthralls and makes one ponder on the ultimate reality. Even the most skeptical reader will not doubt the contents of this book. The vibrations of the author are just too powerful. No wonder this book has become a spiritual classic and has changed the life of many people all over the world.
Paramhansa Yoganada is the founder of Self Realization Fellowship. The website is
For those in
You can even subscribe to the monthly lessons from the society. These lessons are not exactly a correspondence course but teach the student the correct of living. Not one aspect of life has been left untouched in the lessons. The lessons (3 in number) will come every month for 5 years. They teach energization exercises, meditation techniques, etc. After successfully completing certain requisities, you can also get diksha for Kriya Yoga.
Please contact the organization for full details. I must mention that reading the ‘Autobiography of a Yogi” before subscribing to the lessons is very desirable.
You can also read the online version of the book at
M Jaitly
Why I set up this blog
Welcome to my blog.
The purpose behind this blog is to enrich both your life and my own. I will post here articles, web links, book reviews, abstracts on just about anything that can add value to our lives. The posts in this blog could be about spirituality, mental sciences, metaphysics, manifestation (of wealth, one's desires, abundance, etc) and environment - or just about anything that helps us to become more evolved and better human beings.
Manish Jaitly