Most children are born psychic. Many remember their previous births and many others are able to see astral beings like fairies, angels, gnomes and many others. Very often parents chide and discourage their child if the latter tells them that he has a friend – someone who is seen only by the child and not by anyone else. Most likely it is an angel or some other astral being who is communicating with the child. As children are pure hearted and unconditioned they are psychic abilities are far more developed than those of adults hence they can see others realm and dimensions that adults cannot. Parents should encourage their child if he has an “invisible” friend or if they notice or feel that their child is seeing beings from another realm. It is a gift and should be preserved and nurtured rather than be destroyed with scolding, conditioning and derision. The fact is there are other dimensions and realms where many types of beings exist and often these beings try to communicate with humans. Even quantum physics is now coming to this conclusion. There are many benefits for one if one is fortunate enough to be able to communicate with these beings. Such a person is truly more evolved than most other humans, he is more sensitive to the life around him hence he possesses greater intuition hence greater wisdom. He is more receptive to the whisperings of the universe. Such people are rare. It is tragic that most often parents due to their own wrong conditionings impose their own false beliefs on their child and teach their child to rely only on their five external senses that give an extremely limited view of reality. When a child’s psychic gifts are not nurtured, his intuitive powers remain mediocre and undeveloped as with most humans. Studies have also proven that animals like cats, dogs and many other species are far more psychically developed than humans. Dogs and cats see and understand much more about many things than humans. They can sense danger, read people and do many other things far more efficiently than most humans. Is it not tragic that humans who are more evolved than animals do not themselves develop their psychic potential and are foolishly content to believe that whatever their five senses communicate to them is the only reality? The fact is that a stray dog is far more intuitive than an average human being! If parents allow the psychic potential of children to flower, this world will become a far more beautiful place because then we will have humans who will be on a higher pedestal of evolution.
Research has proven that there is a new generation of children being born on earth. They are known as Star Seed, Crystal and Indigo children. These children are different from other children in that they reflect greater love, spiritual maturity and psychic sensitivity than other children. These children are gifted and are more evolved than other humans. Often misunderstood they are often labeled as abnormal, retarded or dull by our conventional standards. Fortunately studies and research is being done on these children and they are slowly getting the due attention and respect that they truly deserve.
Lastly I would like to mention that fairy tale creatures like fairies, goblins, nature spirits and many other do exist in other dimensions and realms. At one time these beings could be seen by humans but gradually humans lost their psychic potential due to their ever increasing materialistic and avaricious tendencies. It is a known fact that spiritually advanced people (adults or children) have psychic powers that are more developed than those of average human beings. Very often these spiritually advanced people are able to communicate with the beings from other realms such as the astral dimension.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Is your child seeing them?
Sunday, June 29, 2008
You do not own your child
When a child is born, it is beyond doubt that parents will feel a joy they have never felt before. They feel they have created a new life and the ecstasy is unimaginable. Becoming a mother and father is one of the most rewarding experiences of life.
Parents often feel that their child is an extension of themselves. This is where they go wrong. A child is his own being and he is not a “new life” as parents often think. He is already some soul that has chosen his particular parents and taken birth to seek its own evolution. Parents are just a channel through which a soul arrives on the physical plane in a new body to continue on its’ evolutionary path. He is a different soul and is to be treated as such. It is the duty of parents to guide him and give him the best they can but not possess him. I have seen parents often imposing their views on their kids and expect them to be obedient every time. This is plainly foolish and will serve only to destroy the child’s independent thought process and retard him instead of making him more intelligent. Career minded parents (especially those who have excelled in their academics and their career) are usually found to be dominating their children the most. If the father is highly qualified he will expect even his child to be the same. If the mother could not become a beauty queen she will expect her daughter to become one. It’s quite possible that the child is inclined towards art rather than engineering. It is the duty of the parents to nourish their child’s innate talents and encourage him to live the life he is meant to live. Parents must realize that forcing their child to live according to their dictates will inculcate a life long resentment in the child. When the child grows up to be an adult he will inevitably harbor an animus against society and his parents. It is only natural because when a person lives his life according to the path chosen by others, his soul cannot fulfill its’ destiny – which it can do only by making its’ own talent and potential blossom. When parents dominate their child and micromanage it, they make the child diffident and overly dependent on external circumstances (it could be people, objects or society in general). Each child is born with his own gifts and talents and parents must treat that as a flower and water it so as to allow it to blossom. Unfortunately pushy and ambitious parents do not understand this and treat their child as a being that is meant only to fulfill their own unfulfilled desires and ambitions. They might not be aware of this but they treat their child as if they own him and it is not nature’s way that someone owns someone else. Parents do not own their children so they have no right to fulfill their own dreams and ambitions through their children. They must realize that any living being evolves the way it should only when the right degree of freedom is available to it.
Parents often feel that their child is an extension of themselves. This is where they go wrong. A child is his own being and he is not a “new life” as parents often think. He is already some soul that has chosen his particular parents and taken birth to seek its own evolution. Parents are just a channel through which a soul arrives on the physical plane in a new body to continue on its’ evolutionary path. He is a different soul and is to be treated as such. It is the duty of parents to guide him and give him the best they can but not possess him. I have seen parents often imposing their views on their kids and expect them to be obedient every time. This is plainly foolish and will serve only to destroy the child’s independent thought process and retard him instead of making him more intelligent. Career minded parents (especially those who have excelled in their academics and their career) are usually found to be dominating their children the most. If the father is highly qualified he will expect even his child to be the same. If the mother could not become a beauty queen she will expect her daughter to become one. It’s quite possible that the child is inclined towards art rather than engineering. It is the duty of the parents to nourish their child’s innate talents and encourage him to live the life he is meant to live. Parents must realize that forcing their child to live according to their dictates will inculcate a life long resentment in the child. When the child grows up to be an adult he will inevitably harbor an animus against society and his parents. It is only natural because when a person lives his life according to the path chosen by others, his soul cannot fulfill its’ destiny – which it can do only by making its’ own talent and potential blossom. When parents dominate their child and micromanage it, they make the child diffident and overly dependent on external circumstances (it could be people, objects or society in general). Each child is born with his own gifts and talents and parents must treat that as a flower and water it so as to allow it to blossom. Unfortunately pushy and ambitious parents do not understand this and treat their child as a being that is meant only to fulfill their own unfulfilled desires and ambitions. They might not be aware of this but they treat their child as if they own him and it is not nature’s way that someone owns someone else. Parents do not own their children so they have no right to fulfill their own dreams and ambitions through their children. They must realize that any living being evolves the way it should only when the right degree of freedom is available to it.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Sunday, June 08, 2008
The seeds of violence
I have always felt that a lot of things taught to children in schools are not true and do great harm to the child’s personality. In history classes for instance they teach that Alexander, Napolean, Chengiz Khan were great conquerors. Page after page is written about violent conquerors while comparatively little is written about evolved beings like Gautam Buddha. The fact is there is nothing great about these so called conquerors and rulers. They were violent and cruel men who killed millions of innocent people to feed their own ambitions. It is true they had an excellent ability to motivate their army to march and keep fighting but behind all this was their own ambition. Moreover a person who plunders and kills people to fulfill his ambitions can never be great. Yet this is all constantly being fed to kids in school. The consequence is that it makes a child feel that dominating others through force is good; violence is good and being indifferent to others to fulfill one’s ambitions is good. In other words the seeds of violence are sown at a very tender age in the impressionable minds of the children. Is it any wonder that people have become so violent in today’s society? Most people today if asked of their opinion of these conquerors would exclaim “Oh he was a great man”. Even admiring or calling a violent person great is siding with violence. A society where violent people are idolized in the pages of history can never really be free of violence. I really wonder why history does not emphasize on Jesus, Buddha and other great and evolved beings and does not expunge violent men from its’ pages as they deserve to be forgotten. I can understand that an adult mind can discriminate but the minds of children are like sponge and are very impressionable and whatever they are taught they will accept. Morever, most children have an innocent admiration for their teachers and that doubles the danger.
I strongly feel parents must monitor their kids and must constantly take note as to what their child is learning in school. Just because a teacher has taught something it does not mean it is true. Parents must de-condition their child and must set things straight. If a teacher has fed into a child that someone like Alexander or Chengis Khan was a great person, then it becomes the duty of the parent to tell the child that they are not rather someone like Buddha is and the parent must also tell why so that the child introspects and understands.
I strongly feel parents must monitor their kids and must constantly take note as to what their child is learning in school. Just because a teacher has taught something it does not mean it is true. Parents must de-condition their child and must set things straight. If a teacher has fed into a child that someone like Alexander or Chengis Khan was a great person, then it becomes the duty of the parent to tell the child that they are not rather someone like Buddha is and the parent must also tell why so that the child introspects and understands.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Let them give also
Why is that sacrificing people or do gooders (those who make it thier mission in life to only give (be it help or any other thing), often land up antagonising their beneficiaries and making them ungrateful thereby resulting in a broken or soured relationship? Why do people whom we often help slowly become ungrateful and hostile towards us?
We must understand that most human beings (no matter how vile they are) have a deep sense of self respect. When a benefactor keeps giving but does not allow his beneficiary to give him give anything in return, the latter's self respect suffers a blow. He feels valueless and slowly starts to feel burdened with his benefactor's favours. Deep inside he begins to feel like a beggar and no human being will be comfortable with such feelings.
The key point to make here is that always allow the other person also to give you something in return - it could be help or a favour or some gift or just about anything. We must be aware that a I-am-born-only-to-give attitude though chivalrious it may sound is certain to make many ungrateful beneficiaries (be it friends, relatives or whosoever else). When you allow the other person to give you something in return you are in effect allowing him to exercise his dignity and his self respect and he is certain to like you for it and your relationship with him will continue to be good. He will no longer feel stifled by your favors.
We must understand that most human beings (no matter how vile they are) have a deep sense of self respect. When a benefactor keeps giving but does not allow his beneficiary to give him give anything in return, the latter's self respect suffers a blow. He feels valueless and slowly starts to feel burdened with his benefactor's favours. Deep inside he begins to feel like a beggar and no human being will be comfortable with such feelings.
The key point to make here is that always allow the other person also to give you something in return - it could be help or a favour or some gift or just about anything. We must be aware that a I-am-born-only-to-give attitude though chivalrious it may sound is certain to make many ungrateful beneficiaries (be it friends, relatives or whosoever else). When you allow the other person to give you something in return you are in effect allowing him to exercise his dignity and his self respect and he is certain to like you for it and your relationship with him will continue to be good. He will no longer feel stifled by your favors.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Let them Fight
I recently came across an article in the newspaper that says youngsters in India are losing interest in defence services as the topmost career option. Perhaps they think other more lucrative career options are available or they sincerely do not believe in wars. Without trying to analyse why they no longer feel army to be the topmost career choice, I think that if this trend is replicated in other countries, soon a time might come when we no longer will have armies and no longer have wars. If politicians and dictators want to fight, let them fight amongst themselves.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Blind Idolatory
I feel amused to see what extent people go to in idiolising their favourite film stars, sportpersons and other celebritis. Here in India (especially in the southern India) almost every film star has a temple built in his name where his idol is worshipped! I cannot help but marvel at the idiots who do this and there are a good number.
If we try to understand what causes a person to indulge in such blind idolatory and celebrity worship, what causes a person to take needless interest in the lives of celebrities, their sordid love affairs, private lives and waste his time in reading gossip magazines and aticles, it is nothing but inner poverty. I feel sad to see people savouring every drop of juicy gossip abut celebrities that is printed in mags and newspapers. If a person's own life is lacking in richness, he seeks that richness in the lives of other people and usually it is celebrities and well known people. Such people live unconsciously and do not even try to probe their own potential and divinity. Many a times when a person harbours an overdose of admiration for someone, especially a celebrity, he subconciusly starts beleiving that he himself can never achieve good things in life and very subtly an inferiority complex starts developing. He starts thinking that if he cannot become famous he is an unsuccessful person. He forgets that greatness and success have nothing to do with fame. This sort of attitude has led to an absurdly high valuation of fame in our society. People forget that one can be very successful and great even without being famous. Some of the greatest people on this earth have not been famous or even well known - they have been the real salt of the earth.
It is OK to have admiration for someone but when that admiration becomes an obsession and takes one away from one's self and makes him give imortance to so called role models rather than one's own self, it is detrimental to one's being. One must love one's own self the most for only then richness can enter one's life. This is not being selfish because this is what is most important for a person to do. Success is measured by only one parameter and that is
happiness and true happiness can never be achieved if one's life lacks richness and richness cannot enter if one does not love himself the most.
At the cost of digressing, I would also like to emphasise that since fame is so overvalued in our society, it leads to a lot of inequalities. Why is that film stars, sportpersons earn such astronomical sums of money while the research scientist, the social worker and coutless other people who do far more good to the world than celebrities, have to struggle for funds?
If we try to understand what causes a person to indulge in such blind idolatory and celebrity worship, what causes a person to take needless interest in the lives of celebrities, their sordid love affairs, private lives and waste his time in reading gossip magazines and aticles, it is nothing but inner poverty. I feel sad to see people savouring every drop of juicy gossip abut celebrities that is printed in mags and newspapers. If a person's own life is lacking in richness, he seeks that richness in the lives of other people and usually it is celebrities and well known people. Such people live unconsciously and do not even try to probe their own potential and divinity. Many a times when a person harbours an overdose of admiration for someone, especially a celebrity, he subconciusly starts beleiving that he himself can never achieve good things in life and very subtly an inferiority complex starts developing. He starts thinking that if he cannot become famous he is an unsuccessful person. He forgets that greatness and success have nothing to do with fame. This sort of attitude has led to an absurdly high valuation of fame in our society. People forget that one can be very successful and great even without being famous. Some of the greatest people on this earth have not been famous or even well known - they have been the real salt of the earth.
It is OK to have admiration for someone but when that admiration becomes an obsession and takes one away from one's self and makes him give imortance to so called role models rather than one's own self, it is detrimental to one's being. One must love one's own self the most for only then richness can enter one's life. This is not being selfish because this is what is most important for a person to do. Success is measured by only one parameter and that is
happiness and true happiness can never be achieved if one's life lacks richness and richness cannot enter if one does not love himself the most.
At the cost of digressing, I would also like to emphasise that since fame is so overvalued in our society, it leads to a lot of inequalities. Why is that film stars, sportpersons earn such astronomical sums of money while the research scientist, the social worker and coutless other people who do far more good to the world than celebrities, have to struggle for funds?
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Quality of Consciousness
Materialisitic people mostly measure success in terms of money, business success, career success, material possessions. Religious people on the other hand measure success in terms of their religious deeds such as chanting of mantras, pilgrimages, charities they have made, rituals they have done and so on. Neither of them are correct as existence rates a person on only one parameter and that is the quality of one's consciousness. True success is only the upliftment in one's consciousness. Nothing else! PERIOD. What your consciousness is, is WHAT YOU ARE. If at the time of one's death, one's consciousness is more evolved (simply put it means if one is a better human being) than what it was during the time of one's youth, existence considers that person's life to be far more meaningful than the life of a person who has accumulated a lot of material possessions and so called religious merits but whose conscioussness has not evolved.
The so called religious people think that just by chanting mantras, performing rituals, visiting churches, temples and mosques, they have done their duty towards God but this is not so. All these activites are good and meaningful but only if they help to elevate one's consciousness such as by making one more loving, less judgemental, more silent and deep. However I personally have seen many religious people. They become so irrtiable, cranky, greedy, hot tempered and quarrelsome. No matter how many religious deeds such people do, it is a complete waste as the most important (and the only one that matters) thing has not happened and that is a beneficial change in the consciousness. It is very difficult also to make such misguided "seekers" see this point of view as most of them do not even understand what conscioussness means. The same explanation holds good for materialistic people. If thier material possessions have not helped them to develop detachment towards them, if thier wealth has not developed in the ma spirit of sharing, then thier consciousness has not really evolved.
Religious deeds, material possessions are merely tools to help us in evolving. But in truth except for very few people, these very tools become the very end. And when this happens, they become a cage which prevets one's consciouness from expanding and experiencing true bliss. A wise man makes even his misfortunes serve his soul's evolution. The expansion of one's consciousness is not dependent on wealth, fame, religious merits. One can use any circumstance of life to evolve a better and finer human being.
The so called religious people think that just by chanting mantras, performing rituals, visiting churches, temples and mosques, they have done their duty towards God but this is not so. All these activites are good and meaningful but only if they help to elevate one's consciousness such as by making one more loving, less judgemental, more silent and deep. However I personally have seen many religious people. They become so irrtiable, cranky, greedy, hot tempered and quarrelsome. No matter how many religious deeds such people do, it is a complete waste as the most important (and the only one that matters) thing has not happened and that is a beneficial change in the consciousness. It is very difficult also to make such misguided "seekers" see this point of view as most of them do not even understand what conscioussness means. The same explanation holds good for materialistic people. If thier material possessions have not helped them to develop detachment towards them, if thier wealth has not developed in the ma spirit of sharing, then thier consciousness has not really evolved.
Religious deeds, material possessions are merely tools to help us in evolving. But in truth except for very few people, these very tools become the very end. And when this happens, they become a cage which prevets one's consciouness from expanding and experiencing true bliss. A wise man makes even his misfortunes serve his soul's evolution. The expansion of one's consciousness is not dependent on wealth, fame, religious merits. One can use any circumstance of life to evolve a better and finer human being.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Ethics comes from the Heart
When one follows his heart and refrains from doing something his heart tells him not to, one his following true ethics. Ethics are not rules and regulations, ethics are not standards or codes set by someone outside one's own self. Ethics is call of the heart - a deep feeling at the heart that tells one what is right and what is wrong. Ethics is the ability to discriminate and act accordingly in tune with one's higher self.
Many people are "honest" not because they are truly honest but because they are too cowardly to commits acts of dishonesty. It takes guts even to be dishonest. If such people are given the guarentee that they will not be caught, most of them will willingly act unethically given the chance. So "ethics" that exists in a person out of cowardice is not actually ethics but a compromise borne out of sheer helplessness to face one's fear to act dishonestly. A person who is outwardly honest but secretly wishes and dreams of earning money even by unethical means is a hypocrite.
Many people are "honest" not because they are truly honest but because they are too cowardly to commits acts of dishonesty. It takes guts even to be dishonest. If such people are given the guarentee that they will not be caught, most of them will willingly act unethically given the chance. So "ethics" that exists in a person out of cowardice is not actually ethics but a compromise borne out of sheer helplessness to face one's fear to act dishonestly. A person who is outwardly honest but secretly wishes and dreams of earning money even by unethical means is a hypocrite.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Why compete?
Here I am not talking about the kind of competition we see in sports or any other form of healthy competition. I am emphasizing the competitiveness that we see in our day to day lives.
Competing is a way one's ego asserts itself. It's a dance done by the ego for its’ own entertainment. A competitive person is usually never confident of oneself and he constantly needs to feel superior to others. Mostly such people are mentally restless and have constant seeking and hungry look in their eyes. Even when such as a person succeeds at something he is always unsure and never really savors his success for he is too afraid that someone else might be a bigger success than him.
Competition is harmful not only because it strengthens the ego but also because it makes one too interested in defeating others rather than allowing his own creativity to flower. When one is competitive, he becomes insecure, when one is insecure he becomes fearful, fear leads to suspicion, suspicion leads to subterfuge. The victim rather than concentrating fully in developing and using his own talents, wastes a significant part of his energy in trying to belittle and outdo others' achievements. As a result a significant amount of his potential goes to waste.
It is ugly to see ambitious parents inculcating sense of competitiveness in their children. I call it ugly, because it conditions the child's mind from a very tender age in becoming self seeking and downright selfish individuals. When a child is told that he should perform better than his classmates or his cousins he assumes that this is the way one should live (all his life). He then develops a feeling that proving oneself better than others is the only way to attract attention, the only way to succeed and become an achiever and to live life. Such children go up to be overly ambitious individuals who have only one way to measure success and that is by counting the number of promotions that have got in their job or by the amount of money they have made in their business. They might become materially successful but will lead a life full of anxiety and stress. And what is success if one's peace is eroded by constant mental agony and stress? The education system and media is no less to blame than parents for making people competitive. Our rotten education system labels children on the basis of marks and ranks. So right from childhood, children get accustomed to being slotted and labeled. The child who secures a higher rank is a "good boy" while the one with the lowest rank is a "bad boy" irrespective of what other great talents he might be possessing. This ranking system obviously sows the seeds of competitiveness in children. Rarely is any child upon reaching adulthood becomes fortunate enough to be spiritually mature to see through this illusion of superior and inferior.
If I were to pinpoint the single most important cause of a person being competitive, it would be lack of courage to face others. A competitive person suffers from some deep seated inferiority complex and insecurity and hence is always trying to live up to the expectations of others even at the cost of his own happiness. He thinks that by not being number one or by not being successful to the extent others expect him to be, he will not be of any worth. Nothing could be further from truth.
Competing is a way one's ego asserts itself. It's a dance done by the ego for its’ own entertainment. A competitive person is usually never confident of oneself and he constantly needs to feel superior to others. Mostly such people are mentally restless and have constant seeking and hungry look in their eyes. Even when such as a person succeeds at something he is always unsure and never really savors his success for he is too afraid that someone else might be a bigger success than him.
Competition is harmful not only because it strengthens the ego but also because it makes one too interested in defeating others rather than allowing his own creativity to flower. When one is competitive, he becomes insecure, when one is insecure he becomes fearful, fear leads to suspicion, suspicion leads to subterfuge. The victim rather than concentrating fully in developing and using his own talents, wastes a significant part of his energy in trying to belittle and outdo others' achievements. As a result a significant amount of his potential goes to waste.
It is ugly to see ambitious parents inculcating sense of competitiveness in their children. I call it ugly, because it conditions the child's mind from a very tender age in becoming self seeking and downright selfish individuals. When a child is told that he should perform better than his classmates or his cousins he assumes that this is the way one should live (all his life). He then develops a feeling that proving oneself better than others is the only way to attract attention, the only way to succeed and become an achiever and to live life. Such children go up to be overly ambitious individuals who have only one way to measure success and that is by counting the number of promotions that have got in their job or by the amount of money they have made in their business. They might become materially successful but will lead a life full of anxiety and stress. And what is success if one's peace is eroded by constant mental agony and stress? The education system and media is no less to blame than parents for making people competitive. Our rotten education system labels children on the basis of marks and ranks. So right from childhood, children get accustomed to being slotted and labeled. The child who secures a higher rank is a "good boy" while the one with the lowest rank is a "bad boy" irrespective of what other great talents he might be possessing. This ranking system obviously sows the seeds of competitiveness in children. Rarely is any child upon reaching adulthood becomes fortunate enough to be spiritually mature to see through this illusion of superior and inferior.
If I were to pinpoint the single most important cause of a person being competitive, it would be lack of courage to face others. A competitive person suffers from some deep seated inferiority complex and insecurity and hence is always trying to live up to the expectations of others even at the cost of his own happiness. He thinks that by not being number one or by not being successful to the extent others expect him to be, he will not be of any worth. Nothing could be further from truth.
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