When a child is born, it is beyond doubt that parents will feel a joy they have never felt before. They feel they have created a new life and the ecstasy is unimaginable. Becoming a mother and father is one of the most rewarding experiences of life.
Parents often feel that their child is an extension of themselves. This is where they go wrong. A child is his own being and he is not a “new life” as parents often think. He is already some soul that has chosen his particular parents and taken birth to seek its own evolution. Parents are just a channel through which a soul arrives on the physical plane in a new body to continue on its’ evolutionary path. He is a different soul and is to be treated as such. It is the duty of parents to guide him and give him the best they can but not possess him. I have seen parents often imposing their views on their kids and expect them to be obedient every time. This is plainly foolish and will serve only to destroy the child’s independent thought process and retard him instead of making him more intelligent. Career minded parents (especially those who have excelled in their academics and their career) are usually found to be dominating their children the most. If the father is highly qualified he will expect even his child to be the same. If the mother could not become a beauty queen she will expect her daughter to become one. It’s quite possible that the child is inclined towards art rather than engineering. It is the duty of the parents to nourish their child’s innate talents and encourage him to live the life he is meant to live. Parents must realize that forcing their child to live according to their dictates will inculcate a life long resentment in the child. When the child grows up to be an adult he will inevitably harbor an animus against society and his parents. It is only natural because when a person lives his life according to the path chosen by others, his soul cannot fulfill its’ destiny – which it can do only by making its’ own talent and potential blossom. When parents dominate their child and micromanage it, they make the child diffident and overly dependent on external circumstances (it could be people, objects or society in general). Each child is born with his own gifts and talents and parents must treat that as a flower and water it so as to allow it to blossom. Unfortunately pushy and ambitious parents do not understand this and treat their child as a being that is meant only to fulfill their own unfulfilled desires and ambitions. They might not be aware of this but they treat their child as if they own him and it is not nature’s way that someone owns someone else. Parents do not own their children so they have no right to fulfill their own dreams and ambitions through their children. They must realize that any living being evolves the way it should only when the right degree of freedom is available to it.
Parents often feel that their child is an extension of themselves. This is where they go wrong. A child is his own being and he is not a “new life” as parents often think. He is already some soul that has chosen his particular parents and taken birth to seek its own evolution. Parents are just a channel through which a soul arrives on the physical plane in a new body to continue on its’ evolutionary path. He is a different soul and is to be treated as such. It is the duty of parents to guide him and give him the best they can but not possess him. I have seen parents often imposing their views on their kids and expect them to be obedient every time. This is plainly foolish and will serve only to destroy the child’s independent thought process and retard him instead of making him more intelligent. Career minded parents (especially those who have excelled in their academics and their career) are usually found to be dominating their children the most. If the father is highly qualified he will expect even his child to be the same. If the mother could not become a beauty queen she will expect her daughter to become one. It’s quite possible that the child is inclined towards art rather than engineering. It is the duty of the parents to nourish their child’s innate talents and encourage him to live the life he is meant to live. Parents must realize that forcing their child to live according to their dictates will inculcate a life long resentment in the child. When the child grows up to be an adult he will inevitably harbor an animus against society and his parents. It is only natural because when a person lives his life according to the path chosen by others, his soul cannot fulfill its’ destiny – which it can do only by making its’ own talent and potential blossom. When parents dominate their child and micromanage it, they make the child diffident and overly dependent on external circumstances (it could be people, objects or society in general). Each child is born with his own gifts and talents and parents must treat that as a flower and water it so as to allow it to blossom. Unfortunately pushy and ambitious parents do not understand this and treat their child as a being that is meant only to fulfill their own unfulfilled desires and ambitions. They might not be aware of this but they treat their child as if they own him and it is not nature’s way that someone owns someone else. Parents do not own their children so they have no right to fulfill their own dreams and ambitions through their children. They must realize that any living being evolves the way it should only when the right degree of freedom is available to it.
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